The beautiful scenery of cherry blossoms in the city center and suburbs
The Kanto region in Japan, including Tokyo and other prefectures like Saitama, Chiba, and Kanagawa, offers numerous cherry blossom viewing spots. These include Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden and Sumida Park in Tokyo, Lake Kawaguchi, Nikko’s Sakura Street, Kamakura’s Tsuruoka Hachimangu Shrine, and Saitama’s Kote Gongendo Sakura Dyke. Additionally, a variety of high-quality accommodations near these spots are available for travelers.


Recommended NO.1

Odawara Castle Ruins Park

Odawara Castle's sky full of cherry blossoms and falling snow


Recommended NO.2

Koishikawa Korakuen

Enjoy cherry blossom viewing at Tokyo’s premier traditional Japanese garden

©Tokyo Metropolitan Park Association

Recommended NO.3

Miyagino Hayakawa Tsutsumi

The sound of running water and the beauty of cherry blossoms complement each other


Nikko Kaido Sakura Namiki

16km long romantic cherry blossom tunnel

提供:一般社団法人 宇都宮観光コンベンション協会


Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine

The solemnity of the shrine and the softness of the cherry blossoms create a cherry blossom viewing scene that is representative of Kamakura.



Ueno Onshi Park

Cherry blossom viewing+shopping, art museums+traditional temples, Shimoteg style food+orthodox banquets, "Ueno" has it all for you!

© (公財)東京観光財団


Sumida Park

Skytree, Yakatabune and cherry blossoms complement each other


Roppongi Tokyo Midtown

A new urban architectural space coexisting with green, pink cherry blossoms bring the romance of spring


Satte Gongendo Sakura Tsutsumi

Listen to the natural duet of pink cherry blossoms and golden cauliflower


Lake Kawaguchi shore

The best place in Japan to enjoy cherry blossoms: Mount Fuji against the backdrop of cherry blossoms

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